Prices are per month

This plan includes:
Initial consultation
Plan to achieve your goals
Once a month check-in & plan adjustment
Ideal for someone who needs just a bit of guidance in the right direction and some accountability. This option would be best for someone who is not new to the world of coaching.
This plan includes:
Initial Consultation
Plan to achieve your goals
Weekly check-in's and plan adjustment
Coach accessible via e-mail outside of weekly check in
This is the most common option and provides plenty of support for someone who may be new to online coaching, unsure of their goals, or just looking to create positive changes to better overall health. For more advanced clients, macro counting and adjustments are included to help reach specific goals.

This plan includes:
Initial Consultation
Plan to achieve your goals
Weekly check-in's and plan adjustment
Coach accessible via e-mail, call and text outside of weekly check in
Additional assistance with meal planning* (once a week)
Grocery Store "field trips" (As needed, no more than twice a month)
A one time, In home visit to assist in kitchen organization & goal alignment
This is ideal for the person looking for the most support as we make these life changes together.
*While I will not create a meal plan for you, I will help you plan your meals for the week while demonstrating the skills we are working on.